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Typically English – The Bermondsey Joyriders
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Typically English – The Bermondsey Joyriders

Uploaded on Nov 29

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Here Come The People is on the new Strummerville A Go-Go #002 album!

STRUMMERVILLE A GOGOWe are very happy to announce that The Bermondsey Joyriders’ ‘Here Come The People’ is on the new Strummerville A Go-Go #002 album.
It is now live and waiting to be discovered, enjoyed and downloaded!!
Price: £2.20 ……
Yes just £2.20 for each album download! (that is a minimum but you can pay what you want).
The tracks can be streamed & shared separately, but can only be bought as part of this collective release.
It is a great and inspiring album. Buy it and help The Joe Strummer Foundation in their aim to give opportunities to musicians and support to projects around the world that create empowerment through music.

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